Pure Water Plumbing

Commercial Plumbing

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About Business :

Adam Started Pure Water Plumbing with 3 visions, that had been in his mind for a long time. The 1st one was... "To build a company where the people worked together, instead of for someone." The 2nd was... "To build a company that saved people money, instead of milking them of it." The 3rd was... "To build a company that not only saved people money, but also informed them of all the toxic crud that comes out of the faucet."

It was incomprehensible to Adam how anyone could enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, poop, pee, brush teeth and hair and fight traffic to get to a place where you made lots of money for somebody else and be grateful for the opportunity to do so. After many years of pretending to be happy, he decided enough was enough. He told himself "It's time to build a better company. A company where the people work together as equals. Not fake, pretend equals, but real equals." He always knew, that if people looked up to and respected the person that gave them a job, they would work really hard. Workers getting a equal % for the job, work harder, are quicker and take a lot more pride in the work they do.


Another thing that was beyond comprehension to Adam was... How could god fearing people, charge their neighbor so much money and not lose any sleep over it. If greed was taken out of the equation... The client would save thousands of dollars, the worker would be paid a much better wage and the job creator would have something to really be proud of.


The third thing that Adam really wanted to do was... Tell the people of America, that the water that comes out of the tap should never be used for anything, except to flush the toilet. If the people knew what they were being exposed to, their world would definitely change for the better. Why? Because they would remove the contaminates, so their body didn't have to. And they would tell their neighbors, friends and family to do the same.

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Services offered :

Business Credential :

  • In Business Since : 2013
  • Contact Person : Adam Brink
  • State Licensing : N/A
  • Finance Available : NO

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Contact Information


Business Hours :

  • Monday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Thursday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Saturday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)
  • Sunday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Opened)

Service Area

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